Manny's Bio


About Manny Aragon BCSI. LMT

Manny first found Structural Integration almost by mistake while attempting to find a solution to his chronic pain from Scoliosis. The work was immediately effective and his results have improved in the 25 years since that first series. After the first three sessions he was out of pain and has been pain free since. His experience was so profound that he decided to become a practitioner to share this amazing work with others.

Over the years Manny has developed a system for assessing the specific biomechanical imbalances of his clients and has developed a uniquely effective corrective exercise program. These exercises work synnergistically with the office visit to produce faster and longer lasting change in the clients body.



In addition to helping clients in his private Structural Integration practice, Manny analyzes and coaches athletes how to improve the structural efficiency of their sport movements. This process improves their sport performance results in a documentable way.

He teaches his system of sport movement performance evaluation and improvement to coaches and movement professionals world wide.

Manny is a Board Certified Structural Integrator (BCSI), Certified Advanced and has served as the President of the International Association of Structural Integrators which advocates for the advancement of the profession of Structural Integrators in myriad ways.

2017 World Championships of Kettlebell Sport MA Snatch


  • Manny has practiced Structural Integration since 1998 and is certified at advanced level by the Guild of Structural Integration (Salt Lake City, UT.) in addition to being a Certified Advanced Rolfer through the Dr. Ida P. Rolf Institute.
  • He completed basic and advanced level certifications with Master Rolfers Neal Powers, Peter Melchior, and Emmett Hutchins, all direct students of Dr. Rolf.
  • Manny is a Board Certified Practitioner of Structural Integration by the International Association of Structural Integrators (the HIGHEST level of certification in the US and Worldwide) and a State of California Certified Massage Therapist (CAMTC) and a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Oregon.
  • He attended the 2 year teacher training at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco and has studied Iyengar Yoga for over 10 years.
  • Manny is a FMT II level certified RocDoc through Rock Tape.
  • Manny is a Certified Personal Trainer through NCEP.
  • He has certified in Kettlebell Sport Level I with OKC and Level 2 with Ketacademy.
2017 Worlds Jerk
  • Additionally, Manny is a certified Jumpstart Muscle Activation Technique practitioner.
  • Manny has successfully used Nutritional Therapy with his clients to help them get healthier, leaner, and happier since 2008. Additionally, Manny holds a sports nutrition certification from Precision Nutrition.
  • He holds an instructors license from the Bujinkan Dojo of Noda City, Japan and a Bachelors degree in Biology from the University of California at Santa Cruz.
  • Manny was an endurance athlete. His past triathlon seasons included multiple Olympic and, Half Iron distance, and 1/2 marathon races. Manny has competed in Kettlebell Sport: Girevoy Sport, and BOLT Competitions.
  • Manny was a member and Resident Intern at Innovative Results Strength and Conditioning. He was proud to be representing Innovative Results on their Kettlebell Sport Team.

Manny’s practice is deeply rooted in his enthusiasm for movement, alignment, and nutrition which he endeavors to pass on to all of his clients.